Must Comment Monday

Eagle-eyed readers visiting the site will have noticed a red logo appeared in the sidebar a couple of weeks ago: Must Comment Monday. You may have seen it elsewhere too.

The idea is this:

– Visit several blogs on a Monday and if there are any new entries that day, you must leave a comment.
– If there are several entries on a blog you only need comment on one.
– If the blog requires a password it is exempt, although if you already have a login you may as well use it!
– Do try and say something interesting or constructive rather than something just to say you commented. The ‘first comment!’ phenomenon is to be discouraged.

Of course, us bloggers have to keep up our side of the deal too and keep posting blog entries as well as commenting elsewhere. Let’s not have our blogs sleep through the off-season! This is a great way to keep comments flowing and every blogger knows comments are everything, the lifeblood of a blog.

This is another initiative from those fine folk of Sidepodcast, who seem to be good at prompting people to blog. You can read more on MCM in this post.

6 thoughts on “Must Comment Monday”

  1. "every blogger knows comments are everything, the lifeblood of a blog"agreed. so here's a comment in part to say "nice plug", and also to make this my first comment on a monday.


  2. Must comment Monday is a brilliant idea, especially in the off-season when a certain someone is prone to being b+++d. If it helps make people think about adding extra content then yay!


  3. Great post Pat. I like the idea and will do my best to add comments to the various blogs I read. A comment here and there really does wonders for today's blogosphere. -Ryan


  4. Thanks all. I love the idea and only my pre-exam studying tonight is preventing me from taking part fully this week, though I'll do a few rounds a little later on. I'll definitely be out in force next week!This was actually one of the first posts I've ever pre-written, I'd set it up Friday and by this morning had forgotten about it, so the comments came as a nice surprise! Lifted my morning.


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